Many studies show that peritoneal mesothelioma is a more deadly, and rapidly spreading mesothelioma than pleural mesothelioma but these studies are often contradicted by specialists who argue pleural mesothelioma is the more dangerous and more difficult to treat of two.
Ussualy patients diagnosed with either peritoneal or pleural mesothelioma are told that they may have less than a year to live.
Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms:
Like all other types of mesothelioma symptom, there is a very long latency period and symptoms may not become evident for decades after exposure.
The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include abdominal bloating, impaired bowl function, fever, swollen feet, weight loss and nausea. The growing tumor can exert increasing pressure on the organs in the abdomen,leading to bowel obstruction and distention. If the tumor presses upward, it can limit breathing. The tumor may push against areas with many nerve fibers, and the bowel distends, the amount of pain can increase.
X-rays and CT scans are, typically, the first step towards detecting peritoneal mesothelioma. The actual diagnosis is achieved by obtaining a piece of tissue. The procedure of looking at the peritoneum is known as a peritoneoscopy and requires anesthesia. If an abnormality is seen, the doctor will attempt to obtain a tissue sample - this procedure is called a biopsy. A pathologist will make a diagnosis by a microscopic analysis of specialized stains.
there is three types of mesothelioma: peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.
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Gejala-gejala Mesothlioma biasanya tidak dapat dikenali sampai 20-50 tahun setelah seseorang terkespose oleh asbes. Gejala-gejala tersebut pada umumnya :
- rasa sakit di sekitar dada
- sesak nafas
- rasa nyeri
- anemia
- batuk yang berdarah
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
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