Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mesothelioma adalah salah satu jenis kanker yang langka, dimana sel-sel yang telah bermutasi menyeliputi dada, lubang di tulang perut, atau di garisan pada hati. Tanda-tandanya adalah pemampatan usus, penurunan berat badan, anemia, demam, pembesaran perut, dan sebagainya. Katanya, dalam 6 bulan sejak kena ini orangnya akan meninggal!

Orang yang kena mesothelioma dilaporkan kebanyakan disebabkan karena menghirup a s b e s t o s (aku tambahkan spasi biar Anda ingat ini bahan bahaya!) tanpa disadari, yaitu bahan anti-terbakar yang kadang terdapat dalam peralatan rumah tangga dan bahan-bahan konstruksi bangunan. Katanya, hanya dengan menghirupnya selama sebulan, dalam 30 tahun lebih setelahnya, mereka akan terkena mesothelioma. Jadi efeknya tak bisa terlihat dengan cepat.

Sayangnya kalau membicarakan mesothelioma terus akan banyak membicarakan biologi, yaitu hal yang tidak kusukai sampai sekarang. Mungkin akan lebih menarik kalau dibahas sedikit bersinggungan dengan hukum dan pengacara dan tuntutan dan sebagainya yang mungkin sama tidak menariknya.

Begini... karena mesothelioma biasanya disebabkan penghirupan a s b e s t o s, maka tentu saja yang sakit bisa menuntut perusahaan tempat dia bekerja dulu kalau perusahaan itu memakai itu dalam produksinya. Atau, kalau disebabkan pemakaian piring, gelas, atau apapun yang ternyata mengandung itu, produsennya bisa dituntut juga. Dan katanya tuntutannya bisa berjuta-juta dolar Amerika. Dan masalah tuntut-menuntut ini sangat tak biasa menurutku, tapi tampaknya Amerika Serikat memang cukup biasa dengan hal-hal begini. (Seseorang mengatakan ada yang menuntut perusahaan pembuat microwave karena saat dia mengeringkan kucing dengan microwave, kucingnya mati.)

Lalu ada apa dengan masalah pengacara ini? Menurut sumber-sumber, pengacara di sana juga melayani kliennya dengan pelayanan khusus, kalau tak menang dalam pengadilan, tak usah bayar. Dan kalau menang, pengacara bisa mendapatkan ratusan ribu dolar. Karena itu mereka mau membayar mahal untuk memasang iklan.

Andai saja Anda bisa mendapatkan satu juta dolar dengan menuntut kalau anda terkena mesothelioma. Pilih mana, sehat atau sejuta dolar?


Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer that is rare, where the malignant cells covers the chest, abdominal cavity or the lining around the heart. The symptoms are bowel obstruction, weight loss, anemia, fever, abdominal swelling, and so on. It is said, that in six months since someone gets mesothelioma, he or she dies!

People who get mesothelioma is reported to be mainly caused by inhaling a s b e s t o s (I added spaces to let you know that this is dangerous) involuntary, which is a fire-resistant material that is used in everyday home tools and as a material for building constructions. It is said, that just by inhaling it for a month, in 30 years or more after it, they will get mesothelioma. So the effect cannot be seen quickly.

Unfortunately if I talk about mesothelioma continuously, I will be talking about biology topic a lot, which I have never been liking it until now. Maybe it will be more interesting if the discussion is relating to law and lawyers and suing and so on that may not be more interesting.

It's like this... because mesothelioma is usually caused by inhaling a s b e s t o s, so of course the sick one can sue the company where he was working on if the company was using it in its production. Or, if it is being caused by the use of plates, glasses, or anything that evidently contains it, their producer could be prosecuted also. And it is said that the lawsuit could be millions of United States dollars. And this topic of lawsuits and lawyers etc for me is very uncommon. but apparently the United States are quite normal with matters like this. (Someone said there was somebody called a lawyer and prosecuted a manufacturer of microwaves because when she drained her cat with the microwave, her cat died.)

So what is special about the lawyers? According to sources, the lawyers there also served their clients with a special service, if they do not win in the court, the clients do not need to pay. And if they win, the lawyers can get few hundred thousand dollars. Because of that they are willing to pay an expensive amount to put the ads.

Andai saja Anda bisa mendapatkan satu juta dolar dengan menuntut kalau anda terkena mesothelioma. Pilih mana, sehat atau sejuta dolar?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

meothelioma cancer

Many studies show that peritoneal mesothelioma is a more deadly, and rapidly spreading mesothelioma than pleural mesothelioma but these studies are often contradicted by specialists who argue pleural mesothelioma is the more dangerous and more difficult to treat of two.

Ussualy patients diagnosed with either peritoneal or pleural mesothelioma are told that they may have less than a year to live.

Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms:

Like all other types of mesothelioma symptom, there is a very long latency period and symptoms may not become evident for decades after exposure.

The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include abdominal bloating, impaired bowl function, fever, swollen feet, weight loss and nausea. The growing tumor can exert increasing pressure on the organs in the abdomen,leading to bowel obstruction and distention. If the tumor presses upward, it can limit breathing. The tumor may push against areas with many nerve fibers, and the bowel distends, the amount of pain can increase.

X-rays and CT scans are, typically, the first step towards detecting peritoneal mesothelioma. The actual diagnosis is achieved by obtaining a piece of tissue. The procedure of looking at the peritoneum is known as a peritoneoscopy and requires anesthesia. If an abnormality is seen, the doctor will attempt to obtain a tissue sample - this procedure is called a biopsy. A pathologist will make a diagnosis by a microscopic analysis of specialized stains.

there is three types of mesothelioma: peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.

Simak lebih lanjut di
Asbestos (asbes) ternyata dapat menyebabkan kanker yang dapat menyerang paru-paru dan jantung. Jika seseorang menghirup atau terekspos oleh partikel-partikel asbes dalam jangka waktu yang lama, dia dapat terserang kanker ganas ini.

Gejala-gejala Mesothlioma biasanya tidak dapat dikenali sampai 20-50 tahun setelah seseorang terkespose oleh asbes. Gejala-gejala tersebut pada umumnya :

- rasa sakit di sekitar dada
- sesak nafas
- rasa nyeri
- anemia
- batuk yang berdarah